Special dishes to celebrate Mexican Independence
Mexico is a generous land full of biodiversity, infinite beauty
If you’d like to join this festival of flavors from home, we share the recipes of two iconic dishes, Chile en
We hope you enjoy them!
Chile en nogada by Playa Grande Resort

7 oz Poblano chile peppe
3.5 oz Almonds (sliced)
3.5 oz Raisins
1 tbsp. Tomato paste
1 ¾ oz Castilla walnuts (peeled)
¾ oz Green apples
¾ oz Bosco pears
5 ¼ oz Ground beef
1 tbsp. Salt to taste
½ tbsp. Ground pepper to taste
½ tbsp. Thyme
½ tbsp. Bay leaf
14 oz Sour cream
2 oz Cream cheese
1.5 fl. oz.Milk
2 ¾ oz Pomegranate
2 oz Shrimps
· Dice the fruits and vegetables.
· On a preheated saucepan, add the
· Roast the poblano chilis on a comal or saucepan until the skin appears burned. Peel and remove seeds and veins.
· Fill each chili with the meat.
For the Nogada sauce:
· Blend the walnuts, milk, cream, cream cheese, white wine, sugar, salt
· Add salt and pepper to the shrimps and cook on a saucepan.
· Heat the stuffed poblano chili in the oven and serve. Pour some
Tamale with beans and mole, La Roca style

Ingredients for the tamale:
17 ½ oz Corn flour for tamale
8 ½ oz Vegetable stock
6 oz Pork lard
⅓ oz Salt
1 ½ tbsp. Pepper
4 ¼ oz Refried beans
1 pc. Serrano chili
10 ½ Banana leaf
1 ¾ oz Panela cheese
Ingredients for mole:
2 ¾ oz Guajillo chili
2 ½ oz Chile ancho
2 ¾ oz Chile pasilla
1 oz Garlic
4 ¼ oz Onion
2 ¾ Plantain
5 ⅓ Tomato
1 ¾ oz Almonds
1 ¾ oz Peanuts
½ oz Cinnamon
¼ oz Clove
¼ oz Cumin
2 oz Chocolate
1 pc. Tortilla
1 pc. Salted bread (slice)
⅓ oz Salt
1 ½ tbsp. Pepper
· Pour the
· Spread the mixture on the banana leaf, add the beans, the serrano pepper
· For the mole, fry the three types of chilies, the onion, garlic, tomato, peanut, banana
· Grind the mixture and add the chocolate little by little until it reaches the desired consistency.
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