Let’s hear from the experts

Over the past few weeks since the initial reopening of some of our resorts, we have been working very hard to maintain high standards of cleanliness and sanitation protocols to keep our properties in pristine condition.  Our number one concern is always the health, safety, and satisfaction of our members and guests. 

So what do our first visitors think of these new measures at Solmar Resorts?  What is it like, venturing back into the world of international travel?  We wanted to know!  Camera in hand, we took off to tour the resorts in search of testimonials.  Lets hear what the experts have to say:

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Día de Reyes, or Three Wise Men, Tradition in Mexico
Día de Reyes, or Three Wise Men, Tradition in Mexico

Día de Reyes, or Three Wise Men, Tradition in Mexico

The tradition of this delicious bread dates back to 217 BC in Ancient Rome, as Romans celebrated the Saturnals in honor of Saturn, the god of agriculture to show their gratitude for the harvests obtained and the beginning of the winter solstice. Gifts were made among them and prepared a hollow-circled bread mixed with figs, dates, and honey.