What’s Happening in Cabo !

Solmar travel notes and tips

Life on earth is better thanks to MOM

Life on earth is better thanks to MOM

Mother´s Day celebration is a time when families honor all of their love, efforts and caring; Spending time together, and mothers have a day of rest (By the way, we believe it should be more than one day, at least one week!)

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What is the New Normal in Traveling?

Because halting all travel indefinitely is simply not an option, the hospitality industry is bound to reinvent itself. We will have to get used to traveling with social distancing protocols and extra pre-cautionary efforts to stay healthy, however, this will not prevent anyone from having a great time with loved ones.

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Introducing Solmar Standards in Safety & Care

During these difficult times everyone is looking forward to the return of a more normal lifestyle, including one of life’s greatest joys—TRAVEL!
We’re here to share that it’s still possible to plan for traveling in the future. Vacation has always been a time for relaxation, fun and quality time with friends and family that will last a lifetime.

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Golf Digest

Centerpiece of an 834-acre resort and residential community set in desert foothills and dunes that roll to the edge of the Pacific Ocean, Rancho San Lucas unveiled its Greg Norman Signature golf course.

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